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Recruitment: How To Add A Video

In Library, click on the ‘Add’ button on the right hand side of the screen.

You’ll then be asked what you’d like to add to your library.

Click on ‘Video’ and then you’ll be asked to upload your video.

Give your video a name and description then click ‘Select File’ to upload the video from your computer. You will only be able to upload mp4, webm, ogg, avi, wmv, mkv, mpeg2 or mov videos, any other file types will first need to be converted.

There is a maximum file size of 50MB, anything above this will need to be down saved.

You then have the option to add an expiry date to the video or auto-assign it to users. Click ‘Add Document’ when done.

Your video will be uploaded and a fully compliant signature form will be added to the end for users to sign and confirm they have watched and understood.

Please Note: You will not be able to link to videos hosted on YouTube or Vimeo for compliance reasons. You will need to upload the video directly to the system using the form.

Auto Assigning Your Video (Optional)

You have two options if you’d like to auto-assign your video.

1.Auto-assign to ALL users, including existing users

If you select this option, when you upload your video, it will automatically be sent out to ALL users already within your system as well as any new users that then register.

2. Auto-assign to NEW users only

If you select this option, when you upload your video, it will only then be sent out to any new users that register.

TOP TIP: You don’t have to decide straight away if you’d like to auto-assign your video. You can auto-assign any video at any point from your Library.


It won’t let me upload my video
Please check that your video is under 50MB and either a mp4, webm, ogg, avi, wmv, mkv, mpeg2 or mov file. Any other file type will need to be converted. If your video is large than 50MB, then you’ll need to reduce the file size in order to be able to upload it.
Why can’t I use a video hosted on YouTube or Vimeo?
Unfortunately you can’t use videos that are hosted externally as our software tracks the video playback and then requires a fully compliant signature to confirm the user has watched the full video.
Updated on February 21, 2023

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